Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find the answers to the questions we get asked the most. If you have a question that you can't find the answer to, please use the contact us page.

AquaglobeWattsCost per dayCost per year
AquavortWattsCost per dayCost per year
Aquavort GrandWattsCost per dayCost per year
Aquabowl GrandWattsCost per dayCost per year

Figures are based on average tariff prices in 2024. They are based on features running 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. They should be considered as a guide line only. Use the wattage details to check against your tariff

In short, the answer is NO. Chlorine may be a very cheap way to kill algae however there are a number of very important reasons why you shouldn’t use chlorine tablets;

1. Although chlorine can be safe for humans and wildlife when used in a low dosage such as in swimming pools, 3ppm is the general accepted level of chlorine. A small 20g tablet dissolved in 200litres, about the volume of a 600mm Aquaglobe feature would result in a chlorine level 5 to 10 times the safe swimming dose and there is therefore a likelihood of causing skin irritation to humans and be potentially harmful to birds and wildlife to drink or bathe in.

2. High concentrations of chlorine will damage acrylic surfaces. Most manufacturers of acrylic hot tubs recommend not to use of chlorine tablets for this reason.

3. Prolonged high concentrations of chlorine is likely to be detrimental to the rubber cables of the pumps and lights. Such damage would void any warranty.

4. We recommend our specially formulated Crystal Clear. This is not chlorine based and will not damage acrylic. Safe for birds and wildlife to drink and bathe in. Always follow the instructions on the bottle.

Maintenance is both minimal and easy.

Aquaglobe features only use the very best quality lights and pumps to ensure both the absolute minimum of maintenance and longevity of service.

Use our Crystal Clear, as directed, to prevent the build-up of unsightly algae.

Top up any water loss through evaporation, intervals are weather dependent, typically monthly.

Occasionally you may need to remove and clean the acrylic globe and any stainless steel surfaces with a soft wet cloth.

If bubbles appear in your globe this is caused by the pump sucking in air. This happens when the water level in the reservoir becomes low. This is easily rectified by simply topping the water up.

No not particularly, you can add water softening tablets if you wish. Alternatively you may need to remove any limescale which forms on the acrylic and stainless steel surfaces with the aid of a proprietary limescale remover. Spray treatment onto any limescale, leave for several minutes, rinse with clean water, repeat if necessary until all the limescale has been dissolved. Also it would be advisable to give the pump a descaler bath, possibly annually. This will ensure the continued power of the pump.

Our features are designed and manufactured to withstand extreme temperatures. There is absolutely no need to bring anything in or even cover up. If there are prolonged periods of sub zero temperatures forecast, we recommend simply turning off and draining your feature. Reservoirs are fine to be left with water in.

That will be dependant on which feature you have. Aquaglobes are designed to run continuously as they have extremely low running cost and are relatively quiet when running. Aquabowls and Aquavorts use very large pumps and create more sound so it may not be appropriate to run them all the time. We can offer a controller which will enable these pumps to be controlled by an app.

Your pump will have a three year extendable to five year manufacturer’s warranty, which covers the pump itself but excludes what are considered wear and tear items such as impellers. In practice I don’t recall ever having to change an impeller. These pumps are so incredibly reliable the only issue that I have ever experienced is physical cable damage, which of course is not covered.

The lights have a five year warranty. The 316 stainless steel LED bodies complete with the sealed bulbs are available as a stand-alone spare, consequently they are both easy and inexpensive to replace.

Acrylic components are guaranteed not to discolour and are built to withstand extreme weather conditions. They are incredibly strong and, because they are locked to the base plate it is very difficult to damage them. Any minor scratching can be removed using very fine abrasive solutions and a soft cloth, often sold to restore car headlights.

Stainless steel is an alloy containing chromium. The chromium in the stainless steel reacts with oxygen in the air to produce a protective layer of chromium dioxide across the surface. Stainless steel is graded according to its chromium content. Stainless steel water features are generally made from either 304 or 316. Both are considered corrosion resistant but 316 has a much higher chromium content and a far greater resistance. It is also considerably more costly and only used in the very best features.

Any other questions please feel free to call Neil directly on 07881780000 or email at